Two Bye-Byes

Bye Bye Canada
For two weeks maybe. Actually at first I didn't want to return home for Christmas and thought I should take the unique Christmas opportunity to experience it here. But the longer I've thought about it the more I'm feeling that actually Christmas is a day when I would like to be home and it would be nice to see some of you.. So I checked flights today - and I could go home for 850 Dollars (Dominik, how much have you already collected in your "Bring Joachim back" campaign?)- 600 Euro. That's 400 Euro less than I paid for the flight to Edmonton! Sounds great doesn't it? It's a student special - and the connection is correspondingly special: Edmonton - Seattle; Seattle - Copenhagen; Copenhagen - Munich. I have to re-check probably Salzburg would work as well. But as I said. Maybe. Not sure yet.

Bye Bye Basement
My last two days. On Sunday or Sunday/Monday I'll move. The place is much closer to university, I reckon 10 minutes to walk (and only 3 minutes away from Matthias and the girls), it's in the second floor (in American counting, in European it would be first floor), and it's shared with only one other guy. Nice and big living room with TV. And there's a phone as well (not sure about the internet yet). I immediately liked it but first thought I couldn't move in because I was sure that even with an extension I would not be here as long as required (end of April). But as it turned out..

Negative aspects about it: The floor in the room is carpet which in my eyes is more difficult to clean and less hygienic. But above all the room isn't fully furnished. Well, there's a bed but I'll first have to test whether it's any good (back to single size, so today and tomorrow would be the last chance meeting someone to really fill my nice big double bed at least once :-). Then there's a built in wardrobe. Possibly also a little table. And that's it. Luckily Eric is now working in a moving company which picks up and re-sells old furniture and he's allowed to take things he likes for himself so I'm hoping to get the needed furniture for free. It's a strange feeling, because in the basement everything was provided which in return means that I don't own anything in terms of household. No cutlery, no plates (but a couple of glasses :-), even no bed linen, no blanket or pillow, no towels (those I've bought already the day before yesterday). So it will take me some time to really settle down.

But I'm also looking forward to it. In the basement I knew from the beginning that actually I would like to move for the winter (I knew it would just annoy me walking half an hour twice a day, especially walking home at 10 or 11 when I know that I'd just eat and sleep and then already walk back). I lived there but I knew I'd move as soon as I found an appropriate alternative. Now I think that at the new place I'll feel more at home. I know I'll stay there. Or at least I hope so.

In the end it will depend a lot on how I get along with my flatmate to be. Leif is a third year music student, apparently quite busy. My first impression was very good, he seemed friendly and quiet. The following weeks I got increasingly annoyed because it always took him quite a while to answer e-mails so most of the time I didn't really know what's going on, will I move, will I not move, when will I move (the day before yesterday I got the final confirmation that I can move in this weekend). And I hate important things being undecided. But now everything seems definite, so I'm confident everything will work out fine..
p (Gast) - 2006/10/13 20:59

Zu all den Überlegungen über Leben und Lebensgestaltung

Deine Überlegungen durch die Mangel gewurstelt ergeben:

Drei Gründe zu bleiben: (Da bedarf es nur der Kenntnisnahme)
o Ich bin gern hier.
o Manches an Kontakten kommt jetzt erst ins laufen
o den Einzug des Fruehjahrs sehen

Nahziele: Das willst du. (immer wieder ein klein wenig davon tun)
o ein bisschen reisen
o die Moeglichkeiten der Universitaet nuetzen
o dich "einfach" umsehen und deine Moeglichkeiten entdecken

o daran arbeiten, jetzt das Fundament zu verbessern, auf das ich dann das richtige Leben erfolgreicher aufbauen kann.

Das gibt Sinn: Immer ein wenig schauen im Internet, wer gesucht wird an anderen Unis, allenfalls in Ö, einfach ein wenig auf Horchposten sein
Gefahren: (Meist reicht es schon, wenn man sich ihrer bewusst ist.)
o Arbeiten zu muessen, ist auch eine bequeme Ausrede, nicht nicht selbst aktiv zu werden

o etwas machen aus dem Leben
Da ist Obiges gut. Schauen, was es gibt und etwas annehmen, das dir zusagt, das dich reizt, das führt automatisch auch zu Wachstum und Orientierung.

o als Wissenschaftler unabhaengig von allen Umstaenden ein Thema verfolgen

Ungeklärte Fragen:
o Ich weiß nicht, was ich werden will. Mir fehlt die Richtschnur.
o Wie baut man ein Fundament, wenn man nicht weiss, was man drauf setzen will.
o Wie und wo immer mein Leben dann stattfindet wird.

Ja das weiß man am Anfang nicht. Man arbeitet ein Stück. Neue Türen tun sich auf. Man merkt, was man nicht will und daran automatisch was man will. Und dann ändert man etwas, geht in eine bestimmte Richtung, ändert einfach etwas, und so ergibt sich Leben … Es sind wenige, die am Anfang schon ganz genau wissen, was sie tun werden … also nur keine Hektik …


Wer die Enge seiner Heimat ermessen will, reise. Wer die Enge seiner Zeit ermessen will, studiere Geschichte. (Kurt Tucholsky, 1890-1935)

Latest Comments

du hast recht diesen Text zu Analysieren ist ziemlich...
little brother (Gast) - 2009/01/31 12:15
Hab a no was zum Thema...
Auf den Innsbrucker Vorfall bezogen, heißt das also:...
relationes - 2009/01/27 01:51
hab i no gfunden :) /index.html
little brother (Gast) - 2009/01/26 14:39
@ little brother: mehr...
@ little brother: mehr als 1/4 der Österreicher sind...
Zita (Gast) - 2009/01/20 10:09
Na den hatte ich tatsächlich nicht mehr in Erinnerung.Na...
little brother (Gast) - 2009/01/20 09:36
LOL. Scharfsinnigst auf...
LOL. Scharfsinnigst auf den Punkt gebracht, little...
relationes - 2009/01/20 03:31
Ja,ja böse Bettler belästigen...
Ja,ja böse Bettler belästigen Kirchenbesucher in dem...
little brother (Gast) - 2009/01/19 23:37

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