Heute - auf den Tag genau neun Monate nach Installation des Counters - wurde die 5000-BesucherInnen-Grenze überschritten! *staun*
PS: Neun Monate!? Was, so lang bin ich schon hier???
relationes - 2007/03/03 07:30
Ok.. so yesterday the Boss showed up with two more Microfilms and said: "Oh yes there was a first order of material. And actually those are more important than the ones you've done so far. You'll have a lot of work until May. I'm sorry." Ok...!? Just to give you an idea what two microfilms mean: All those months so far I've been working on two microfilms! Obviously I wont leave this working place as soon as I thought. I had a first look into one roll yesterday and will continue with the second now, just to get an idea of how much it actually is and estimate how far I can get until May.. Gee!
relationes - 2007/03/02 17:23