Freitag, 6. Oktober 2006

Project Future..

.. in progress.

Today morning I attended a class on the history of Ireland. It's just an introductory class but I think it still may broaden my view and help me if I want to continue dealing with Irish history - which I'm considering. Actually I was very doubtful whether I should keep it up or leave it, because I realised that I lack so much of the background which British and Irish scholars acquired automatically, not to speak of the language disadvantage. So I used to think I'd better abandon that topic and move into more familiar ground to Austrian history. However, the few visits to the Faculty Club have changed my opinion a bit. There was Yuki from Japan, teaching American history and Per from Sweden, teaching History of Ukraine and Belarus. (By the way, Ukrainian and Russian studies are quite prominent at the University of Alberta's history department.) Both pointed out that exactly the fact of coming from outside can sometimes give you a very different perspective, can help you to question traditional points of views and actually enrich the study of that country's history. So I gained new energy to consider doing some additional studies and try to write an article. The vague idea is doing some comparison between the situation in Ireland and the monarchy - but I'm not totally convinced about the resources here at the UofA. I'll see..

I have two more ideas, rather vague, so I'm sorting my thoughts and just see what happens. You see, these days I just feel the urge to do something with my brain, I hope it stays like this abit longer..

And now I've just returned from a class of the University Teaching Services on the use of Power Point. It was only one hour but I learned so many new functions. Oh my! It's unbelievable how much time I've wasted until now by not knowing them! (Well, maybe it would have been a good idea just to read the manual at some time..)


Und ueberhaupt muss heut gefeiert werden:
Bye, bye Lisl..
Her mit dem Champagner!!!

Sport Notizen

Das wird ja immer besser. Die heutigen Schlagzeilen:

1:0 wäre "sehr gutes Resultat" (laut Hickersberger) und Liechtenstein will nicht Favorit sein

Ich hoffe der Streit um die Favoritenrolle eskaliert nicht weiter. Nicht dass am Ende doch noch jenes Schreckensszenario eintritt vor dem ich bereits seit Jahren warne, naemlich dass uns Liechtenstein militaerisch angreift. Und das jetzt, wo wir nicht einmal mehr unsere antiquierten kampferprobten Draken haben..

Hier startet heute die neue Eishockeysaison, und das gleich mit der Mutter aller Schlachten: "The Battle of Alberta" - Edmonton Oilers gegen Calgary Flames. Ich freu mich schon, mir das in einem Pub anzusehen. Lets go Oooilers!


Wer die Enge seiner Heimat ermessen will, reise. Wer die Enge seiner Zeit ermessen will, studiere Geschichte. (Kurt Tucholsky, 1890-1935)

Latest Comments

du hast recht diesen Text zu Analysieren ist ziemlich...
little brother (Gast) - 2009/01/31 12:15
Hab a no was zum Thema...
Auf den Innsbrucker Vorfall bezogen, heißt das also:...
relationes - 2009/01/27 01:51
hab i no gfunden :) /index.html
little brother (Gast) - 2009/01/26 14:39
@ little brother: mehr...
@ little brother: mehr als 1/4 der Österreicher sind...
Zita (Gast) - 2009/01/20 10:09
Na den hatte ich tatsächlich nicht mehr in Erinnerung.Na...
little brother (Gast) - 2009/01/20 09:36
LOL. Scharfsinnigst auf...
LOL. Scharfsinnigst auf den Punkt gebracht, little...
relationes - 2009/01/20 03:31
Ja,ja böse Bettler belästigen...
Ja,ja böse Bettler belästigen Kirchenbesucher in dem...
little brother (Gast) - 2009/01/19 23:37

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